8th grade science fair project ideas are needed to engage the kids with quality activities. They like to investigate something and they certainly like to act like a real scientist. The following ideas are not only fun and simple, but it encourages your inquisitive kids to learn more. You should try these ideas.
Music and Plant
You should prepare three plants of the same kind, age, and health. Place them separately on appropriate places. Expose one plant with no music. Expose the second plant with two to three hours of musical songs. Expose the third one longer like five to six hours. Ask your kids to keep a chart on these plants every week.
Making Rainbow
This time you don’t use a prism. You only need to place a masking tape on the edge of a cooking pan, and top it with a mirror. Place this side on the opposite side of the window. Let them get the light and catch the flow with a white paper. Your kids will see a rainbow appears.
Heavy Bubble
This game is pretty simple. You only need to blow bubbles in different sizes. Prepare the same bubble liquid but use different pipes. Ask the kids to take notes and measure if the smaller bubbles take longer to pop comparing to the bigger bubbles. Blow bubbles on the same sizes several times and use watch to measure the time.
Making Hot Ice Sculpture
You will need five reusable hand warmers. Active them and when it turns white, stop. Get a crystal from one of them and put it on a plate. Then take the contents of the other four and place them in a bottle. To make the magic, you should pour the content from the bottle to the crystal very slowly and carefully.
Cleaning the Coins
You will need plenty of oxidized coins like pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. You also soak them overnight in lemon juice, baking soda paste water, water, cola, orange juice, and dish liquid. Don’t forget to label the water. The result comes out when your kids rub the coins using a toothbrush. They will know the most effective solution for cleaning.
Those ideas are not particularly new for your kids’ level but it is always new for the kids. You can invite them to do this during the weekend or during their vacant times with friends. Let them make a mess while learning. A little mess is nothing comparing to the benefits derived from these 8th grade science fair project ideas.